An experimental oil refining unit has been developed for minimal refining of sunflower oil. The unit consists of (i) one open mild steel tank with conical bottom for degumming/neutralization, (ii) one closed oval tank for vacuum drying/bleaching and (iii) one filter for filtration of oil.
Can sunflower oil be refined?
An experimental oil refining unit has been developed and tested for refining of sunflower oil. Crude pressed sunflower oil obtained from a local oil mill was refined using chemical method by degumming, neutralization, bleaching and dewaxing. The quality and composition of crude and refined oil were compared.
What is the purpose of Refining sunflower oil?
The purpose of refining sunflower oil is to convert the crude oil, which has a high acidity level and/or organoleptic defects, to make it suitable for human consumption. The refining is also aimed at removing contaminants as pesticides and process solvents.
How is crude pressed sunflower oil refined?
Crude pressed sunflower oil obtained from a local oil mill was refined using chemical method by degumming, neutralization, bleaching and dewaxing. The quality and composition of crude and refined oil were compared. The phosphorous content, FFA content, peroxide value and wax content decreased during the refining process.