Mini-Refineries are skid mounted, modular crude oil distillation units (CDU) which process from 200-10,000 BPD of crude oil and are capable of producing numerous finished products including naphtha (straight run gasoline), kerosene, diesel and fuel oil. A reformer may be added for producing high-octane gasoline.
What is a modular mini refinery?
Modular mini refineries are best utilized in emerging economies and in remote locations where gasoline, diesel and fuel oil are needed. The local crude oil is normally your lowest cost feed stock because the transportation costs are minimized. Mini refineries with heavy crudes and low API gravity produce more fuel oil and less naphtha and diesel.
What are Akfen mini refineries?
Akfen Mini-Refineries are skid mounted, modular crude oil distillation units (CDU) which process from 22.000 Liter of crude oil per Day and are capable of producing a variety of finished products including naphtha (straight run gasoline), kerosene, arctic and summer diesel and fuel oil. A reformer may be added for producing high-octane gasoline.
What is a mobile refinery?
Mobile refineries are traveling units designed for using in local stations in today’s technology, capable of refining crude oil in small capacities. The purpose of the refining process is to transform the crude oil that is natural raw material, into salable products.